North Fork Project
North Fork Redbank Creek in Brookville, PA underwent a stream improvement in July, 2023. The purpose of the project was to enhance critical fishing habitat and to protect the streambanks from further erosion. Streambank erosion results in the loss of large amounts of land over time and they contribute to sediment pollution. Fortunately, there are practices that are available to mitigate streambank erosion and also improve fish habitat. Logs and stone are reinforced into the streambank by the excavator and then held into place by rebar. There are a variety of structures implemented that each depend on a stream characteristics in any given reach. The floodplain, or the adjacent land to a stream, should be fully vegetated with trees and shrubs that contain deep root systems to hold soil together. Lawn grass roots are only as deep as the grass is high, so it is recommended to create a "no-mow" zone from the stream edge.